Saturday, April 30, 2011

Learn how to remarket your AdWords ads to previous website visitors in a live webinar

This Wednesday, 4th May, we'll be hosting a live, online course on Remarketing as part of the AdWords Online Classroom (UK). This free, interactive presentation will be delivered by an Online Media Specialist and will take place at 3 pm BST (GMT +1), lasting for approximately one hour and including time for Q&A.

Remarketing is a simple way to connect with your website visitors. After driving traffic to your site with search ads, you can then remarket to those people who your site by showing them tailored ads as they browse sites on the Google Display Network.

This live course will take you through a step-by-step guide to remarketing campaigns. It'll cover how remarketing works, the best strategies to choose, and also campaign setup and optimization. This course is suitable for advertisers who are already running campaigns on the Google Display Network, as well as advertisers who have not yet used the GDN.

97% of new visitors do not convert the first time they arrive at your site. Can you afford not to have a remarketing strategy?

If you're interested, be sure to sign up now!

Posted by Lisa Shieh, Inside AdWords crew

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