Friday, December 12, 2008

SEO Friendly Website Design Guidelines

1. Make a site with a clear hierarchy and text links. Every page should be reachable from at least one static text link.

2. Offer a site map to your users with links that point to the important parts of your site. If the site map is larger than 100 or so links, you may want to break the site map into separate pages.

Eg: To create a file sitemap, sitemap1...etc.

3. Make a detailed sitemap of a website. The search robots can easily go to any web page from this web page.

4. Try to use text instead of images to display important names, content, or links. The Google crawler doesn't recognize text contained in images

5. Every image on your website has an alt attribute with a description that contains keywords. Eg: alt=”web design company”

6. Do not overuse image in a web page. The robots can’t index images and it also takes lot of time to load a web page.

7. Make sure that your title elements and alt attributes are descriptive and accurate.

8. SEO Tips for URL Structure

a. Make sure to use keywords in url, if the particular page is "software consulting" then try to create a URL that looks like .

b. If you decide to use dynamic pages (i.e., the URL contains a "?" character), be aware that not every search engine spider crawls dynamic pages as well as static pages. It helps to keep the parameters short and the number of them few.

In correct Format:

Correct Format

c. Creating a website folder and webpage name in url structure.
Make sure to avoid using of Underscore ( _ ). Better way to use Hyphen ( - ).

In correct Format:

Correct Format:

d. Make sure to avoid multiple folders using in url structure.

In correct Format:

Eg: http://www:example/web_services/ web_design/logo_design /flash logo design.html

Correct Format:


9. If you use image links, you also provide text links so that search engine robots can crawl inside your web site and index every page of your site.

10. Don't use more than two banners per web page. Banners are often placed at the top of a web page. Unfortunately, Search engine consider the beginning of a web page as very important.

11. Always place the logo on the upper left hand corner of the web page. The search engine robots reads the web page like a human from left to right, top to bottom.

12. You should not use All CAPS or or similar font design, like all boldface. This looks as if you were yelling at your users.

13. Your web pages end with .html or .htm. When your web pages end with .asp, cfm or contain special character, many search engines will ignore them.

14. All important web page of your website should be just one click away.

15. You don't use unusual fonts. For example, font face="Great Looking" size="2"
is very likely to cause problems. Common fonts are Verdana, Arial and Helvetica.

16. Test your site to make sure that it appears correctly in different browsers.

17. Create a useful, information-rich site, and write pages that clearly and accurately describe your content.

18. Think about the words users would type to find your pages, and make sure that your site actually includes those words within it. (Content, url structure, image and links).

19. The content on your website must be easy to read and error free.

20. It should be easy to see what your website is all about. Editors don't search for information.

21. Do not use frames in your website design. Lot of frames in a website also takes too long loading time and hence the robots find it difficult to crawl the website. i.e. can follow from a frameset page to content frames and index texts. If your Web site consists of frames, and you cannot redesign it, you can solve this problem by putting the content of an optimized page with links to other pages into a NOFRAMES HTML tag.

22. The page size must not be too large, average page size must be below 50 kb

23. Try to maintain a word limit for all the web pages. Use about 350 to 600 words for each web page.

24. Avoid using image navigation, as it is not search engine friendly. It is ideal to use text navigation in a web page as it helps the user as well as search engines to navigate smoothly.

25. Try to avoid using tables. There are too many codes in tables and takes times to load page. Hence, try to use DIVs structure, which has less coding and takes less loading time. It has become highly search engine friendly because the robots can easily index it.

26. Use External CSS rather than coding it in the main source file.

27. Once you complete the full design to check broken links having or not.

28. Please make sure to check w3c validation error and clear error free

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