Monday, May 5, 2008

Rules to be followed in Forums

• Advertising, spamming and trolling is not allowed. This includes using the forum email and Private message system to spam other members.

• Spam is not tolerate here under any circumstance. Users posting spam will be warned, suspended and banned and their post removed

• Posts are to be made in the relevant forum. Users are asked to read the forum descriptions before posting. Users consistently posting to the wrong forum may be given a warning and/or suspended.

• You cannot post any affiliate or referral links (including links in your registration profile under "Website" in "Memberlist" and in your signature) or links that lead to click-through ads page(s), or post anything asking for a referral. Such posts and member profiles will be subject to removal.

• You cannot post advertisements or notices for contests anywhere on this forum including your profile and signature.

• No other related forums are allowed to advertise in anyone's registration profile under "Website" in "Memberlist" nor in signatures.

• This Forum is not a marketplace and "For Sale", "Wanted", "Trade" ads of any sorts are not allowed.

• No spam, affiliate links, or double-posting/cross-posting

• Posts, Avatars, and Signatures deemed distracting or inappropriate may be removed without notice.

• Members should post in a way which is consistent with "normal writing". That is users should not post excessive numbers of emoticons, large, small or coloured text, etc. Similarly users should not SHOUT (posting in all UPPERCASE text) or use excessive punctuation (e.g. !! and ??) in topic titles or posts. Users consistently abusing this will be warned.

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